Reverse Painting Florals on Glass
Designed by Tiffany Windsor
Frame with glass
Tulip Puffy Paint (White)
Acrylic Paint (use good quality for best coverage, colors of choice)
Paint brushes
Painter’s tape
Black & white pattern on copy paper (NOTE: I used Canva for my patterns)
Place glass on top of pattern and tape to hold in place. With cap on paint bottle, hold tip down and firmly shake paint into nozzle. This will help to eliminate any air bubbles. Holding bottle at a slight angle, squeeze paint onto glass following pattern lines.
Trace all pattern lines until design is complete. Check to be certain that all paint lines touch in the corners. This will help when you start painting in the colors to keep the paint inside the lines.
The paint may look bumpy from the painted side but when you turn over the glass, you will see that it looks very smooth and pretty! Let dry completely before moving on to the next step.
With paint side up, paint inside lines with all colors. Let paint dry completely and apply 3 coats for best coverage.
On this flower, I wanted an effect of shading so I started with darker pink on the inside petals, working to lighter pink on outside. Let dry completely.
Paint background color over entire surface of design. This step will also take at least 3 coats of paint. Let dry completely.